
Thursday, October 30, 2014

Stealing The Show

So Halloween is coming up and I wanted to write about something fun.  

WE broadcasters usually don't get to dress up for Halloween. So we try to spice things up a little bit.  Sometimes it doesn't go as planned like the video above. There's a saying in Hollywood: "Don't bring animals or children into the mix."

The same goes to broadcast but sometimes these curious dogs and kids end up making you a viral sensation like Ripple the dog.  He doesn't care that there is broadcast going, he just wants to play.

Then you have the ones that take the opportunity to just dance in front of the camera.

While these can be super distracting, it happens more than you think.  You have moments you will be live and someone comes behind you and yells or even asks you out. Like below:

But no matter how many times this happens, we still have to continue with our jobs and report. So yes, we can hear you and yes we have to address what you are doing behind us and then continue on with our story.

So opportunist! Keep working hard to ruin the live-shots we worked hard on. We wont crack...well it's kinda tough not to crack up when a rhino farts.

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