
Sunday, November 23, 2014

Bill Cosby Rape Allegations

Here's the story: Bill Cosby's had a civil lawsuit in 2006.  The lawsuit: a women who claimed Cosby sexually assaulted her.  He settled the lawsuit and moved on with his life.  In a recent comedy show in Philadelphia, Hannibal Buress brought up that and called him a "rapist."  This was face that launched a thousand ships.

After this, more than a dozen women came forward saying that Cosby had sexually assaulted them.  Many news agencies from NPR to the AP have given Cosby the opportunity to have a say in these allegation but he has remained silent.  Recently, the AP decided to release this video footage that show extras of an interview where he asked the reporter to not show that part. While I feel the reporter should have stood his ground, he was a little wishy washy.  It's his job to get to the truth whether or not he answers. Don't pass it onto "your boss wants you to ask."

Cosby has the right to not say anything and protect his privacy but as a public figure and "America's TV father," that's out of the question. He owes his viewers, followers a comment. NOT SAYING ANYTHING HARMS YOUR CREDIBILITY!

After a month of not saying much, yesterday, Cosby finally broke his silence:

"I know people are tired of me not saying anything, but a guy doesn't have to answer to innuendos," he told Florida Today on Friday. "People should fact check. People shouldn't have to go through that and shouldn't answer to innuendos."

So what happens from here? Who knows. He hasn't been charged with anything, yet. These are just allegations. We will have to wait if any of these women bring back the lawsuit since there is no statue of limitation on it.

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